Surely your goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life
Yes, goodness and faithful love will pursue me all the days of my life.
Both are translations of Psalm 23:6
These words have captivated me.
It doesn't always feel true. In fact it usually doesn't feel true, if we are looking at the state of the world and our own circumstances. But the Bible constantly challenges us to change our perspective. To see things from a heavenly, eternal perspective.
And then to dare to believe it.
Many, many of God's children will tell you that when you dare to believe it, when you dare to trust through the storms, God proves himself true. His words and his promises prove true. His goodness, his faithful love and his mercy prove true.
He doesn't write our stories the way we would. We often pray for deliverance and get strength for the trial we would rather avoid instead. But he never wastes our suffering. He is always building us to be more like him and using us to build his kingdom.
Two friends spring to mind. Both have suffered tremendous loss and heartbreak, and both can testify to God's faithfulness and provision even in the heartbreak. It is truly humbling to hear their stories.
These words have changed the way I pray. I don't know about you but I have been praying for some heart-rending situations recently. For people suffering from mental illness who are running, scared. For their families who may not even know where they are. Sometimes a news story or an email stops me in my tracks. Such as the Nigerian schoolgirls taken from their dormitory. My mind and heart recoil from even imagining what they might be suffering. Could God follow them even there with his faithful love and mercy? His word says so and I am praying for it. He can reach where we cannot.
I recently watched this story from the charity Samaritan's Purse. There is something so wonderful about the way God can transform a person, can rewrite their story, and not waste a drop of their suffering but turn it into blessing for others. Listen to Hilario's story then watch his face as he plays with the children. I dare you not to cry.
The Lord's word is tried and true. Psalm 18.