Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Advent plans

I get excited about advent. Probably more so than about Christmas day itself. I love the lights, markets, mulled wine- and I love advent calendars and nativity scenes. I could happily fill our home with them (not that that would take long!) Instead of just filling my pinterest board with loads of lovely ideas I thought I would share a few of them here. 

A couple of years ago I discovered an advent activity for children called 'Truth in the Tinsel.' It's an e-book that takes you through the Christmas story, with a scripture to read and an ornament for little hands to make each day. What really impacted me about this was the philosophy behind the writing of this book, based on this bible verse:

These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.
(Deuteronomy 6:6-8)

The author rightly points out how big, bright and exciting Christmas is, and she wants to harness that to excite her children about Jesus. 

We tried 'Truth in the Tinsel' last year. It's very craft based and my children are not- they enjoyed the first few days of crafts, and we displayed them on some Christmassy branches that we have. They loved hanging their decorations on the tree; I loved having a visual display of the Bible story of Christmas (I'm sure to anyone else it looked like some badly painted toilet rolls but we liked it!) Once they went off the craft side of things, I did a hide and seek game with a Bible verse and ornament hidden round the house every morning. 
We did what we set out to do, that is, we talked about Jesus and read from the Bible every day during advent, and they had fun doing it. 

For younger children one of my favourite websites for advent activities is sunhatsandwellieboots I got the 'hide and seek wisemen' idea from here, and she has plenty more. 

My favourite story Bible EVER is the Jesus Storybook Bible. Beautiful words and beautiful illustrations. Everyone should read it, no matter their age. Having said that, it is too wordy for both my children just yet.   Faithgateway have a free printable advent calendar based on this book (just sign up for their newsletters.) As much as I want my children to fall in love with this book, I am probably going to leave this one till next year. 

The most famous Bible-based advent plan seems to be the Jesse Tree. There are loads of resources and descriptions out there but the one I keep hearing about is by Ann Voskamp. I have my eye on this book (which amazon says isn't even out yet- what?! It's November!) But I have decided instead to get this- not for the children, just for me. I can hardly wait for December to start it. And actually, the most effective way I find of talking to my children about Jesus is when I am immersed in discovering him for myself and it becomes part of my everyday conversation.

Bring on the glitter.

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