Saturday, 14 February 2015

Jumping on the valentine bandwagon a little too late (part one?)

My Pinterest feed has been full of hearts pretty much since Christmas. Now they are clearing out in favour of shamrocks and rainbows. The done thing for bloggers is to 'do' all the festivals and seasons, presumably to get more pins and readers etc. 

But my little tiny blog isn't setting out to conquer Pinterest and anyway I had nothing to say until now. 

When I think about God's love the verse that springs to mind is this:

'But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.' (Romans 5)

What would our friends think of us if they saw us at our worst moments? Our families see a lot of them but even they don't know it all. What if someone saw every angry or judgemental thought, every selfish impulse? A scary thought. 

Well someone does see it all. And he chose to die for us anyway.

There is a security and relief in knowing that we have been seen at our worst and still loved. And it's not because we are not as bad as we think. If anything, it is this acceptance and love that gives me the courage to look honestly at my own sinfulness. 

And that opens the door to... Well, go and read it for yourself in Romans chapter 5. I can highly recommend Eugene Peterson's translation 'The Message' ( if you don't have it you can read it at ) I'll give you a taster:

            'We throw open our doors to God, and discover at the same moment that he has already thrown open his door to us. (The Message, Eugene Peterson, Romans chapter 5.) 

I've called this part one. I may or may not get round to writing part two. I have spared you any pictures of sparkly hearts as I'm sure you've seen enough.
By the way, don't hold your breath for a post on shamrocks and pots of gold from me...

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