Monday, 13 April 2015

The voiceless will sing

The desert and the parched land will be glad;
    the wilderness will rejoice and blossom.
Like the crocus, it will burst into bloom;
    it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy.
Isaiah 35

When I was 20 I spent three months in Israel. I stayed on Mount Carmel. It was our autumn but it was hot and sunny. One day it rained- just a little. And as I went outside the guest house where I was working, I saw that the tiny bit of rain had caused some beautiful small flowers to appear in the sandy earth. 

A little bit of rain brought forth life from dusty earth. 

I recently discovered Isaiah 35. I'm sure I must have read it before, but it felt brand new. (I love that the bible never grows old or stale, no matter how long I read it.) I discovered a wonderful vision of what it will be like when Jesus renews all things.

Imagine a desert, a parched land, a wilderness. Its not hard, just switch on the news. Nigeria under Boko Harem. A refugee camp as big as a city in Syria. The isolated elderly neighbour or the desperation of the person feeding his family from a foodbank. Now apply these verbs: 

Shout for joy
Be glad
Strengthen the fearful

God is coming. 

The wilderness shall be glad; the desert shall rejoice and blossom. Anywhere that is scorched or dry will become a pool of cool refreshing water. This is an image of abundance. Not just a sprinkle of rain and a few small flowers. Whole deserts springing forth with flowers. No more thirst. No more lack. The majesty of mountains given to dry and parched, featureless lands. 

This is what the glory, the majesty of God looks like. 

The next part makes my 'mum to special needs' heart rejoice. The lame will walk. The blind will see. The deaf will hear. The voiceless will sing. Those who can't speak and those with no one to listen, your time is coming. 

Then, a road. A highway. A highway of peace, of safety, of holiness and salvation. A highway full of joyful songs, a highway that leads to God's city. 

I can't wait. 

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