Friday 24 June 2016

Praise from a place of sadness

I feel like I'm watching a scary film from behind a cushion, saying 'tell me when it's all over.'  Except it's not fiction, it's the news.

I'm not the only one reeling with sadness, fear and anger tonight.

No prizes for guessing where I'm taking those feelings tonight.

To the God who created us - all- in His image

To the Father to the fatherless, the defender of the orphan and the widow, the champion of 'the least of these'

To the One who did not use his power to manipulate but gave up his majesty

To the Eternal One who will reign in perfect justice and rightness

To the One who will gather us from every nation and tribe and tongue into one people

To the One who says, 'I know, and I am on my throne'

To the teller of stories that broke down barriers

To the bringer of peace

To the one whose presence is like cloud on a burning hot day, like still after the storm, like peace after the deafening noise

He makes all things new

'Come let us go up to the mountain of the Lord...
He shall judge between the nations...
and they shall beat their swords into ploughshares...
O house of Jacob, come let us walk
In the light of the Lord.'
Isaiah 2

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