Thursday 19 May 2016

On not doing the housework

Housework is boring. It's a good job someone invented the title 'stay-at-home-mum' because 'housewife' will never really suit me. To liven things up I've been listening to Tim Keller's sermons online. It's a great way to get my head and heart full of God's word. (I've just realised how strange that sounds, the words 'liven up' and sermon in the same sentence, but honestly, they're not dry or dull, give them a try if you don't believe me!)

The more I study the Bible, the more I think about who Jesus is, the more I am blown away by how he loves. I was reminded the other day about how Jesus welcomed Judas into his company, taught him and loved him, ate with him, travelled with him, for years, right up till the betrayal.

Then, thinking about how Jesus says he forgives our wrongdoing- which he can only do if we are offending him, right? Which we are, if, as he says, he is God. So there he is, living side by side with us lot, for year after year, while all the time we are breaking his heart with our malice and pride and rejection. Then, he takes those very sins upon his back - literally, in the form of a cross.

If you want to know what it looks like for God to be 'slow to anger and rich in love', look no further.

Monday 9 May 2016

For small pirates

     I lift my eyes to the mountains
     Where does my help come from?
     My help comes from the Lord,
     Maker of heaven and earth.
     Psalm 121

A while ago Dave got all Pinterest-y and made the kids a blackboard on the inside of the front door. It's the best thing in our house.

Harry had a bit of a wobble last week, going back to school after the holidays. Lots to worry about. I decided to write the above verses on the blackboard, where he could read them before going to school.
The thing is, he's been in character as a pirate for about three weeks now, so he wrote underneath 'and my treasure, and my stew and my slop.' (He's sure pirates eat stew, anyone know if it's true?!)

So I'm going with some wise words from a Colin Buchanan song instead. Harry is struggling with the idea that anyone could be the captain except him, but really, which one of us doesn't struggle with that?

Are you serving Captain Jesus? He's the master of the wind and waves
There's yo-ho-ho no other way in which you can be saved
Through scurvy, sharks and shipwrecks,
Through every storm and strife,
Sail on with Captain Jesus,
He's the treasure of your life.

PostScript: Harry came home from school today and asked if he could watch the 'Jesus Storybook Bible' on dvd- namely ' The Captain of the storm' and 'Treasure hunt'. So there we have it- the Bible message for pirates.

Did you know God sings?

The Lord your God is with you,
the Mighty Warrior who saves.
He will take great delight in you;
in his love he will no longer rebuke you,
but will rejoice over you with singing.
Zephaniah 3:17

He always shows up.

It seems God has decided that Alice's illnesses, especially her epilepsy, is where he is going to communicate most clearly with me. (Could it be that this is the one thing that has made me kneel, beg, wrestle, cry, seek and submit?) I have never had so many bible verses leap off page and screen, so many immediate assurances in my mind and heart in response to prayer, regarding anything else.

We had another ambulance ride and hospital stay recently. We are out of practice. I had forgotten how you draw on reserves of energy and strength you didn't know you had, then collapse afterwards.

Church friends were amazing. Alice could have had a party, we had so many offers of visits (except she was asleep for the best part of 3 days.) One friend tagged a bible verse onto her text- Zephaniah 3:17. 'Oh yeah,' I thought, 'the one about rejoicing and delighting.' And thought no more about it.

My wrestle this time, was how a girl who is so full of life and joy, and who spreads joy wherever she goes, could be loaded with so many health problems on her little shoulders. How, why, would God create such a precious child and allow so many struggles in her life?

I went to sleep (not an easy task on a hospital ward) still struggling in my heart with the dichotomy of joy and sorrow.
Now I am not someone who generally attributes my dreams to God. Oh, I believe he can communicate like that if he wishes, but I don't have a lot of experience of it. But I am sure I heard his voice in my dream- it was loud, insistent, reassuring, interrupting-  'I DELIGHT in her.'

You know all those bits in the bible that talk about experiencing joy in sorrow? And you think 'huh? How does that work?'
All I can say is, it does.